Shawn Stoner's journal, part III

A Weekend at the

College of Metaphysics

Sunday, May 25th, 2003:

This morning began with a pancake breakfast, and then classes again with the groups. Terry and I resumed our filming, starting in the chapel with Dr. Sheila leading a group that was repainting the whole room in less than 2 hours! So many times I have witnessed the power of Dr. Sheila’s mind when she has a goal. She can cause amazing things to occur within the environment and within groups of people.

Terry and I interviewed some of the new students and got some sweeping views of the chapel painting in progress. We were really enjoying this project of filming together. Christine (Madar-college resident) had said the previous day that she could see us on CNN...and so could I.

“Here we are today, live from Windyville Missouri, and the College of Metaphysics. On this eventfull day we are covering the dedication of the Pyramid, a mamouth structure built as the central focus for the College of Metaphysics campus.....”

We then went out to the dome and interviewed more people. I tried to hold my attention on them and ask them the questions that they wanted to answer. Dr. Barbara had instructed me to find something that would stimulate them to "light up". I was using what I had learned about attention and perception to do this - I was also learning that people get nervous in front of a camera.

We then met with our students to practice Karma Yoga before Peacemakers in the Dome. Karma Yoga is a way to build union through service. We clean the school buildings and again, strive to learn everything about ourselves in the process. Estir and I were cleaning bathrooms, and I was telling her about how the thoughts we were having would impress themselves into the substance of the sink and the floor and that then the people who came after us would be able to experience the reverberations of these thoughts. She said, “I need to remember this all the time. This is an incredible responsibility.” After we had completed cleaning the men’s bathroom, she said, “The guys will have a nice time now when they come in here.” And I knew exactly what she meant.

At 10:30am there was Peacemakers gathering, followed by Respondere ceremonies. I was with Hezekiah (Dr. Dan and Dr. Barbara’s son) during this time, enjoying interacting with him, Iris and Ella (daughters of Ben and Dory Wheatley-both teachers in Springfield). Children are so amazing to me. The complete openess of infancy brings such joy and quick and easy learning. If I could only be so open all the time.

Erika Scholz, another student, describes the PeaceMaker experience

People began trickling from the backdoor of the main building out to the graceful arches of the upper chamber of the Peace Dome. The late morning air was draped in a gentle mist. The Peacemakers gathering and graduation ceremony were to be the culmination of the weekend’s events. Groups of people began entering the sacred dome. We were greeted by students, Laurie Biswell and Damian Nordmann. As we stepped inside we received a document about the Interfaith Church of Metaphysics and were asked to sign the guest book.

People began to settle in with a sense of expectancy. There is something other-worldly about the Dome that opens the mind to infinite possibilities. I began to wonder what gift the Dome would offer me today.

Peacemakers began, as it always does, with the Prayer for Enlightenment. “May peace prevail on earth. We pray for light in the people of North America. May enlightenment be in North America. May light be with us always. May peace prevail on earth.” We moved from continent to continent.

The reverberation in the Dome made it sound as if the whole world was praying with us.

I felt the swell of our prayer energy as it mingled and danced in the center of the dome, then fountain up and out in a wave of peace. My whole body tingled and I felt connected with each of the 100 some people present.

Next, the stanzas of Universal Peace Covenant were read by those who have earned Doctorates in Metaphysics. Each wove pictures in their mind as they spoke the timeless words of the Peace Covenant. I have heard this many times, yet each time brings new light and awareness. “Peace is the breath of our spirit. It wells up from within the depths of our being to refresh, to heal, to inspire.” The idea of peace moved into our minds and grew strong and beautiful.

After the reading of the covenant, Dr. Barbara Condron taught us a sacred song and dance written in Sanskrit by students and teachers in the School of Metaphysics. She showed us the movement that accompanied each section of the song, explaining the meaning of the words and motions. The song began, “Satyagraha pravi, pravi,”. Dr. Barbara explained that this means “holding onto truth” as she taught us the mudra to receive love and to open the heart. Next we learned the mudra for “Pravi rama, rama, rama ani om”. This section aligns the mind to a higher purpose. It is accompanied by a mudra that looks like a graceful bird circling the world. The last section, “Svagatam mahatma, namaskar ahimsa” welcomes the great soul through reverence and obedience. The movement is a twisting of the hands which balances the inner and outer selves. (The song is available online at

With the song learned, we are ready to begin. John Crainshaw brings forth a slow gentle ripple from the guitar. After several cycles, Dr. Pam Blosser’s beautiful voice intones the first wave of the chant – Satyagraha, pravi! pravi! It is a plea for oneness. Dr. Barbara adds the next layer, a willingness to devote the Self to Truth. Paul Madar then adds the third element of reverence for the soul.

Tentatively at first, we join in--merging voice and consciousness in time and space. Our bodies move to the rhythm of the song and energy flows as we create the mudras. The energy is electric in the air. There is a liveliness and vibrancy in our combined energy, and yet the song has a soothing quality that draws us in. We are existing together outside of time and space, as if the entire dome and the people within it have transcended the limits of our physical world.

The song swells as each part is layered upon the next. Our bodies move with confidence as the ancient words and movement spark memories from the distant past. The sound winds in a fibonacci movement to it peak, and then gradually unravels. Finally we are left with the the guitar once again, and then silence. The silence is so powerful it seems to hold each of our breaths in its grasp.

The entire song hangs in a balance of that space in between -- we exist in that silence that holds within it every sound that has ever been.

With the end of Peacemakers, we gather around the Peace Pole. Now was the time to recognize student for their growth and learning. Five candidates would be receiving the Respondere certificate which marks the successful completion of the First Cycle of Lessons.

One at a time, the teacher called forth their students. We heard about the students’ successes and their plans for future learning. Then the teacher read a quote to them that reflected their growing consciousness. From Rumi to the Bagavad Gita, the quotes were inspiring. As I watched the ceremony, I reflected on my own spiritual journey. I have been both teacher and student at graduation ceremonies. Each time was special to me.

I looked to the side and noticed who stood next to me. On my right side was John Mestyanek, my first teacher in the School of Metaphysics. I had come to the College of Metaphysics almost a year ago. At that time John was just finishing up his year. On my left stood Chris Sheehan, a student I taught when I was at the Dallas School of Metaphysics. He would be coming to the College in July. It was the alpha and omega.

As I thought about the thread connecting us, I saw how it was like the song, Satyagraha. Each piece wove into the next creating a tapestry of understanding. The space between was as much the song as the sounds. I stood in the space between as teacher and student--neither, either--yet both.

The ceremony ended with a Circle of Love. One hundred strong joined hands and hearts. Dr. Pam lead us in giving and receiving each other's light and love. We then expanded our light out until it encompassed the planet. We were connected in love and light to the entire world. It seemed the perfect end to our experience that morning. We finished our circle of love, hugged each other, and congratulated the graduates.

I remember a time when I wasn’t comfortable hugging my close friends. Now I enjoy hugging other people, connecting with their energy, and receiving them as a soul. I look around and feel a deep swell of gratitude for everyone here. These people are a spiritual family, my spiritual relatives. I am home. • ES

Shawn's concluding thoughts.....

As we are building toward October 11th and the Dedication of the Peace Dome, I can feel a solidarity building within the school that comes from having a common goal, a common manifestation that is so much bigger than all of us. It is a wave that is going to take us all, individually and collectively, to incredible places.

Just now I came up the stairs, overhearing one of the new students talking with Dr. Barbara about her offer to teach a class at the college. During a student weekend at the end of March, Dr. Barbara said that if there were 8 students or more who are nearing the end of the first series of lessons and they want to attend the college in July, that she will teach them when they come. This offer is an incredible opportunity! Always in the past, students have needed to complete the first series of lessons before being eligible to appy to attend the college. Currently there are a group of 5 students collecting around this idea, connecting with each other, and reaching out to others in a desire to experience accelerated learning. I know that come July, there will be 8.

What a lifetime’s worth of learning we all experience every time we come together at the college. It is what I have always desired in my life and as the student weekends continue to grow in attendance and power, I know that this vehicle, the School of Metaphysics, will lead me to knowing what I have always wanted to know - my own true self.• SS

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