Peace Pledge

I _________________________________, as an

Ambassador of Peace
am committed to upholding my personal vision of Peace within myself and within our world. I do hereby pledge that

the Universal Peace Covenant

will be read aloud by myself and/or a member of my family or friends on

January 1st at Midnight,
joining my vision with others across the planet in the

Universal Hour of Peace.

Name _______________________________

of ______________________________________________

Date ___________________

"We hereby commit ourselves in thought and action so that we might know the power of Peace in our lifetimes."

To register your Peace Pledge at the World Peace Dome, print this page, complete it and mail it to:

Peace Dome Ambassador Program
College of Metaphysics,
163 Moon Valley Road,
Windyville, MO 65783 USA

Peace Dome • USA • tel. 417-345-8411 email:

©2003- 2010 School of Metaphysics

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